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Pencils, pens, highlighters...

"What else goes on a desk? Shoot, my mind is blank. Laptop... books... Why can't I think of anything else? "

These are the things on my mind right now. This is my last day at home, then I'm off on my own. It's nerve wrecking thinking about the fact that whatever you forget you'll have to go buy. There is no calling your mom down the hall because you cant find the sour cream. Chances are you just don't have sour cream. So, you may have to run out in a snow storm to buy some... Or you figure out you could just live without it.

That's just part of growing up, I guess. Making phone calls, scheduling appointments,(bleh.) it all seems so daunting... But, hey, there are hundreds of thousands of us in the same boat. Just a bunch of kids trying to make it work. And I'd say we are doing just fine. Keep your chin up! We got this.


"Don't be afraid. Just believe." Mark 5:36

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