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Thoughts of Early January

There's been a thought on my mind today-- God reveals Himself to us in the most mysterious and wonderful ways.

He is the ultimate power, sovereignty, safety, deliverer...

The list goes on. All this, and He is pure, not sinful in the least. It's... it is so mind blowing to me.


All that massive, un-comprehensible-ness and He still takes thought of us. Plus, He gives us the ability to have a relationship with Him. This relationship is something unique; nothing else compares to God and what He provides. And to each of us is given a different life, with different challenges and journeys, but in the end, through and by Jesus, we are ultimately saved. That is the good news of the gospel, that despite us being human and failing ever so often, God reaches out to us. Through all the vast spaces (or small corners) of life, He comes and rescues us anyway.


For some verses that go well with this, look to Psalm 139, Romans 1:20, and Ephesians 3:14-19.

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