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Watch Yo Mouth!

Okay ya'll, it's been a minute. The last time this blog got some new content was 2 years ago! Don't get me wrong, it's not like I haven't had ideas in two years, or stories to tell, or things to say... It's just that life got... busy. And weird. Let's not re-live it.

But upon doing some soul searching in the recent months I've began to remember this little blog, this little spark of light that just shines in the back of my mind. 'Let me get back to it then', I thought. But what would I say? How ironic that question became because what came to mind was actually about saying too much. Two years of saying nothing and then the first post is about talking too much! God has a sense of humor I think.

Anyway, anyway, let's get into it:

We are creatures of community, us humans. We find ourselves bound together and craving each others company even subconsciously. In times of discomfort, in times of joy, in times of sorrow, and excitement, and fear. Coming together is a natural inclination, we want to share and connect. And in that sharing there can be amazing outcomes-- ideas and inspirations flow from me to you, from you to them, and so on. What can be bad about that? Well, there is nothing wrong about sharing per-se, but it's what we share and how we share and who we share it with that can really cause some bumps in the road.

A part of growth includes learning that sometimes... some things... can go unsaid, and that's okay. In the name of "getting this off my chest", how many times have we actually just engaged in slander? That's a funny word to use in our day and age, but the weight of it still stands. Slander is making false statements, wrong and damaging statements, that can even go as far as to damage a person's reputation. YUCK!

When you were a kid, and you lied and said bad and wrong things, what would happen? For me I would get a stern "What your mouth!", probably followed by a lesson and further correctional activities if you know what I'm sayin'. *Cough* wooden spoon *cough*. Listen, you don't need someone to tell you what to say and how to say it when you're exercising discernment and quietness in your life. NOT as a form of suppression, but actually as a way of getting closer with yourself and that inner voice you have inside. Give yourself space and time to see about what next steps look like in your life, personally. Give space to think before you speak. Give space to ask that necessary question, "Should I?"

Here's a verse to put in your pocket, Proverbs 10:13 "Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered." (ESV)

Are you a person who is trustworthy? Then let you actions and speech reflect that. Everyday.

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